Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Digital Movie Collection

When digital music on the cloud first became available, I was slow to get on board, but I have adjusted to the change and have what I consider a large collection of music on I-Tunes and Amazon Music. But now we have the movie DVD collection going that way and I am still slow to get on that band wagon, but again I am using it more and more and it is now affecting the way I add movies to my collection. for example, if it is part of a series that I am a fan of I will buy the Blue Ray and add it to my VUDU cloud. However, if it is a major Hollywood hit, I might just wait for a sale on VUDU and buy it. I will not pay full price for a new digital only movie to download on the cloud.

The problem with cloud movies is that I don't have something to look at and add to a collection to be admired by friends and family. It does not seem real. When I look at my ever growing collection on VUDU it just does not feel like I own anything. It's just pictures on a computer screen that I can watch anywhere there is a internet connection. It does not feel like it's mine.

The picture below is part of my DVD and BLUE RAY collection, it's part of my surroundings and home decor. I don't have to turn on my computer and look at my collection. It's my personal collection that I take a little pride in.

I just wish that I-Tunes, VUDU and Amazon or someone could come up with a way to make the cloud collections more personal and something to feel and touch.

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