Friday, May 18, 2018

What if Kylo Kills Rey in Episode IX?

I was talking with friends about my previous post that I wanted Kylo and Rey to hook up and get married, Most of them hated that ideal, but one friend had another plot possibility. What would happen if Kylo killed Rey? I was like no, I don't think so, but the ideal has a sweet spot for me.

Here it is:

"Have Kyle kill Rey, and make a movie where Finn has to lead, even though he’s not a Jedi.
Then have the Resistance search for a Jedi, then they find that kid that used the force to grab that broom in the end of that last movie"

I have a feeling that will not happen because I believe in the next trilogy being developed is not suppose to have anything to do with the Skywalker's depending on what source you read. If that is true Kylo has to die.

I think the trilogy ending has to have a big impact  like Anakin and Obi Wan light saber match and Anakin becoming Darth Vader in Episode III The Return of the Sith And Episode VI Return of the Jedi where Darth Vader dies.Someone will die and it will be sad.

But my imagination is in overdrive with the question if Rey was to die, and lets take it one step more. What if both Rey and Kylo dies? 

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