Saturday, March 25, 2017

Thoughts on The Walking Dead Season 7

As  write this, it is now two Sundays away from the finale of Season 7. For me this has been one long and crushing season. It was hard for me to watch, but it was a strong part of the whole story of The Walking Dead. We have seen this group overcome hell over the past 6 seasons that when we experienced Season 7 it was a the punch to the gut that would not get better. It was the everlasting common cold. It started with the deaths of Glen and Abraham, Daryl was captured and did not escaped until episode 8. The first half of the season was depressing and hopeless. Rick Grimes was beaten down so bad it was as if he was dealing with depression. The saviors just kept coming and taking the guns and the beds just to burn the mattresses in the middle of the road. It is hard enough to have something stolen from you and watch someone enjoy it, but just to steal it and have it destroyed was more painful.

But at the end of episode 8 we saw a glance of hope and Rick seemed to come back to himself and the birth of a plan to fight back after Daryl escapes Negan's prison. I am still wondering how King Ezekiel will play in all of this and will Sara give up the group she encountered in episode 6 called Swear and if they will play a part in the end? If so, how? Do not forget Carol, because she does what needs to be done. If you see her getting some gas her target may want to find flowers to look at. And I am more then positive that Jadis from episode 10 called New Best Friends will play a big part in the season finale. I have read that Negan will be back in Season 8. But how many episodes I do not know. I don't think he will be killed off at the end of season 7

Even if team Rick wins the war , there will be a heavy cost. It is almost certain that Sasha will die because of what has been reported on the verified news sites, but still can not say for sure. Who else might perish in the war.

it's Time to RISE UP!

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